How 5*55 manifestation technique could change your life. - Life Hacks

How 5*55 manifestation technique could change your life.

In this world every person have their own wishes which they usually want to fulfil. But in life nothing happens according to what we want. We have to do consistent hard work, and maintain a positive attitude to reach to our goals. For this we have to keep patience as well. But do you know that there are some manifestation technique which could help you to reach your goals faster, through this technique you can fulfil your desires by simply reprogramming your subconscious mind.

How 5*55 manifestation technique works in your life.

In this world of manifestation, there are several techniques to attract your desires and make your life better. One of the technique name 5*55 manifestation technique is used to manifest your desires. It is a powerful and simple technique where you can simply fulfil your desires just by writing a specific desire for 55 times for 5 consecutive days. This could help you to arrange your mindset according to your desire and doing it consistently with intention will bring results for you. 

What is 5*55 manifestation technique?

This is a simple technique in which you should write your goals or what you want to fulfil should write it in a piece of paper for 55 times for 5 consecutive days. The whole idea of this technique is just to reprogram you subconscious mind by creating a mental imprint of your goals or desires. When you do this intentionally, your thoughts and actions start align with your thoughts and feelings, which will help you to manifest your desires with the help of law of attraction. 

The basic steps of this technique are as follows:-                                                              

  1. Choose a desire, or a particular goal or wish:- To manifest anything or to use the 5*55 manifestation technique, one should have a particular goal or desire. you should be clear about your desire that what you want in your life. This could be anything a job, a house , or money or improving health, be a successful person. Anything what you want from the universe.                                                       
  2. Write you affirmation 55 times for 5 days :- It is important for you to write your affirmation on a piece of paper for 55 times a day or for 5 days consistently on a piece of paper or in a journal or you can make a diary for this technique. Whenever you write affirmations, feel that it is already happened and visualise it that you reach your goals. You can do this every every morning immediately after wake up , or at night when going to bed. This visualisation works miraculously at these two times.                                                                                                                                                
  3. Repeat this process for 5 days:- When you practice this manifestation technique, make sure you will write it 55 times for five consistent days. Consistency is very important to achieve anything. Writing anything will help you to bring confidence as well as a responsibility for yourself.                                                                                                                                                      
  4. Trust the process:- When you do it all, follow all these steps for 5 days just trust the process. Do not put worries or doubts into your mind, believe that universe will work for you and open a certain set of possibilities for you.                                                                                                                                

Why does the 5*55 manifestation work?

First of all we need to understand that how this technique work into the deeper levels of your subconscious mind and align you with the law of attraction, as well as the technique puts a greater impact on your thoughts as well as actions.

How 5*55 manifestation technique could change your life.

  1. Reprogrammed your subconscious mind:-  When you practice this 5*55 manifestation technique , it will reprogrammed your subconscious mind. As we all know the power of subconscious mind, by practicing this technique consistently you will create a neural pathway to solidify your desires and your internal belief system. The regular practice of this affirmation technique will reflect in your behaviours and on your thought pattern as well which could help you to align your desires with the law of attraction.                                                                                                                                                    
  2.  Increase your focus and clarity:- Most of the people faces a major problem which is called clarity. Without proper focus and clarity it is very difficult for anyone to achieve their desired goals. With this 5*55 manifestation technique you are focussed on a single affirmation for a long period of 5 days. With this intense focus you will get clarity and it increases your belief to achieve the desired results.                                                                                                                                                        
  3. Align you with the law of attraction:- Well we all know about the law of attraction. It works on the principal of like attract like. Whatever the energy you put out into the universe you will attract it back. Writing your goals or desires 55 times for several days will help you to match your frequency with your desires which will help you to reach your goals faster. This process accelerates manifestation, as you energy and vibration are in sync with your thoughts.                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  4. Increase your belief and confidence:- After writing down your affirmations regularly you will feel after sometime that it is not just a dream it could be possible. The more you affirm, the stronger is your belief, and you will be able to put the necessary steps to reach your goals and this will increase more chances of getting what you want.

The physiological impacts of 5*55 manifestation technique:-

First of all, when you practice this technique, it will change your mindset and you will feel that you can achieve the goal. The most important thing as we know is the mindset. If one wants to be successful then he or she have to believe it first, only then it could be possible. And when you truly believe on yourself it will easier for you to take the actions for your goals with the conviction. And due to this the chances of manifestation will increase.

How 5*55 manifestation technique could change your life.

  1.  End of limiting beliefs:- The most important thing happen to you is that after practicing this 5*55 manifestation technique, it will break your limitation of thoughts and encourage you to think bigger. This will allow you to be expanded in your life. Whether it should be goal or anything you believe you will be able to do it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
  2.  Visualisation and emotional connection gets better:- When practicing affirmation regularly not it will makes your belief system stronger but also it will improve the visualisation and emotional connection. Manifestation is only possible when you belief or felt it happen. Manifestation gets power from your visual or emotional connection, when you feel it will happen you will strengthen the energy of your goal and align with the law of attraction. The more you feel, from your emotions like joy, love etc. the more it will allow to accelerate your manifestation process, and bring your desires into reality as soon as possible.

How 5*55 manifestation technique could change your life?

When you are practicing 5*55 manifestation technique for a longer time, you will bring drastic changes into your life.

  1. Empowerment and self discovery:- When you are consciously focussing on your desires, it will allow you to take ownership of your life and future. this sense of empowerment comes when you know that you have the ability to create your reality. This techniques allow you to do introspection and self discovery, which will help you to find your truly and deepest desires.                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  2. Achieve your goals faster:- When you are practicing this technique of manifestation it will allow you to clear about your goals, align your actions and stay focussed. As you believe that your efforts take you towards your goal, you will take necessary action and see the changes which universe bring for you in your life. You might encounter new opportunities, people or circumstances that help you to manifest your desires more quickly.                                                                                                                       
  3. Having a sense of gratitude:- When you achieve your goals through this 5*55 manifestation technique you will become positive and grateful. With the sense of thankfulness and gratitude, you will bring more and more positivity into your life. The more you have been thankful for what you have the more you will attract positive experiences.                                                                                          
  4. Manifest Abundance into your life:- When you are using the technique of manifestation you will bring career, growth, prosperity in different aspects of life which will help you to create a strong sense that you deserve success and there are infinite resources which is available for you.                              
  5. Bring positive changes in relationship:- As you know that when you manifest love, better communication and consistently focussing on these desires it can lead a shift into your interactions with others. By practicing 5*55 manifestation technique your mindset will improve your ability to attract supportive, loving people into your life.


The 5*55 manifestation technique is a very powerful tool to reach your goals by reshaping your mindset, aligning your energies. With consistent writing and focussing on your goals for 5 days, you just reprogrammed your subconscious mind as well as strengthen your belief system, and create a heightened sense of purpose and clarity into your life. Through this powerful technique you can manifest anything.

We all know that belief system is a powerful tool to achieve anything in life. If one belief he can do it, definitely he will do it no matter how hard the circumstances it. Same happens with this technique, you should believe on this technique irrespective of any doubts and take suitable actions for your goals definitely you will make your dreams into reality.

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