9 different types of intelligence in human beings you should know.
You all know what is intelligence. We all want to be intelligent and we all are. But most of the people think that getting good marks in exams is the only thing that shows that you are intelligent. Well this is not true at all. Because we know that everyone has different interest, and capabilities as we all are unique. If somebody like dance, so may be someone like singing or may be someone like reading, writing etc. So it is not a good option to judge anyone's intelligence on behalf of getting good marks in exams. So do you ever wondered why some people are good at one skill and not same as others. This is due to because they have a dominant intelligence according to their special skills. So here are the 9 different types of intelligence in human beings you should know.
1. Naturalistic intelligence.
This type of intelligence is generally found in those peoples who are well aware of the nature. For example - The people who are somewhere in forest and they tackle the problems very smartly right there. They survive in the forest smartly. Also they have a very sharp intelligence to identify things from far away. Usually hunters, fisherman's and beargrylls have this type of intelligence.
2. Musical intelligence.
Generally this intelligence is found in those peoples who are good at sound related things. It means these peoples can easily understand the rythm, tone and pitch and also used it very effectively. These peoples are good at composing musics, also they can very easily learn how to use musical instruments. Mostly composer, musician, singers they all have musical intelligence.
3. Logical intelligence.
These types of intelligence generally found in those peoples who are very logical as well as mathematical. These peoples are good in understanding theories, formulas, logics. They also give theories and they are also good in reasoning. They are also good at critical thinking and also give conclusion after reading some data. They have very good at organising things. Like Albert Einstein, Issac Newton, Ramanujan etc. They all have a huge logical intelligence.
4. Existential intelligence.
The peoples with this type of intelligence are also called philosophers. They all are very curious to find answers to any problems. Also they have think deeply. Usually the peoples who like to think. They also have got great ideas. In today's time you can say many people have this type of intelligence like Elon Musk, Mark Zukerberg etc.
5. Interpersonal intelligence.
The people with these types of intelligence have excellent communication skills. They are also very understandable persons which understand the emotions of other persons. These persons also have a lot of empathy in themselves. They are also very social and like to meet with peoples. That's why these types of peoples also become great leaders in future.
6. Bodily kinaesthetic intelligence.
The person with this type of intelligence like to do physical activities. They are excellent in sports. Like athletes, Sportsmen etc. These peoples are love to stay out rather than home. They are also be good at dance. Also they can much better in performing like an artist. Like bodybuilders,Runners etc.
7. Linguistic intelligence.
The peoples with this type of intelligence can understand the hidden meaning of words. They also want to learn new words and new languages as well as they are also naturally good in it. They can easily write poetries as well. And their reading and writing skills are also good. They can easily elaborate things.
8. Intra personal intelligence.
The people with these type of intelligence know and understand themselves properly. They know about their emotions and thoughts as well as they know their strength and weakness as well. So this attitude helps themselves to fulfill their goals. And these persons always motivate themselves.
9. Spatial intelligence.
The people with this type of intelligence generally are very good in doing visualisation and making mental images in their mind. They are good in remembering roads. Also they are very good in making puzzles. They can see things from different perspective due to high visualisation capability. These peoples are also good in drawings. Like painters, architect, drivers etc are the peoples who have this type of intelligence.
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