creator hours
Wake up
5 benefits of why we have to wake up early in the morning.
Well you have heard so many times that it is better to wake up early in the morning. But everyone wonders why they have to wake up early in the morning. Here are the 5 benefits of wake up early in the morning.
1. Brahm muhurta(The creator hours)
You have been heard that it is good if you wake up early in the morning, but do you really know that the time of 96 minutes before sunrise is very important for us. It is called the brahm muhurta. It is also called the creator hours. It means whatever you have done in this time is a lot beneficial for you. Because at that time the frequency of universe is very low and your mind is in a very peace state. If you daily wake up early in the morning the chances for you to become successful in your life is guaranteed. Whatever you done at that time it is much more effective than the whole day. That why in our vedas also this time is said to be the creator hours of our life. Whatever you want to achieve in your life you can definitely achieve in this golden hours of brahm muhurta. The brahm muhurta is of 48 minutes. you will definitely see the changes in your life after some days when you start wake up at brahm muhurta.

2. The flow of cosmic energy(Vishwa Shakti)
The cosmic energy which is also known as universal energy. It is also present in our human mind. But do you know that the highest amount of flow of cosmic energy in our universe is the best time to do anything and that time is brahm muhurta. At that time the cosmic energy in our mind also increased a lot. And this time is also best for doing meditation as well. If you have ever been wake up at that time the concentration level of your mind is on a higher state.
3. The purest environment
At brahm muhurta the environment is in a very purest form. The level of oxygen in our environment is almost 40%. And you know that how much necessary is to take fresh oxygen for our body. So waking up at that time will also keeps you healthy. And a healthy body and mind is responsible for anyone's success.
4. Energy saving time
Do you know that that whenever you are studying or doing anything the energy of your five senses is constantly used on the all other resources like if you are studying the noise happens from somewhere and your energy is also used on that resources. But the noise free environment time the brahm muhurta is essential for us because at that time the whole energy of our body is focussed on a specific task.
5. Manifestation of thoughts
Well at the brahm muhurta, the law of attraction works very well due to the stable environment. Every single visualisation you have done at that time related to any specific goal , it will definitely manifest. Because at that time the chances of the manifestation of any specific thought is slightly increased on a very large scale.
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